Current Projects

Predictions in speech perception

Here, we disentangled stimulus and choice history revealing opposing effects on perception: Choice history attracts and stimulus history repels current speech perception. The repulsive effect of stimulus history was only revealed once choice history was accounted for. On top of that, stability in the speaker context strengthens the repulsive effects of stimulus history.

In this study, we investigated serial effects on the perception of auditory vowel stimuli across three experimental setups with different degrees of context variability. Aligning with recent findings in visual perception, our results confirm the existence of two distinct processes in serial dependence: a repulsive sensory effect coupled with an attractive decisional effect. Importantly, our study extends these observations to the auditory domain, demonstrating parallel serial effects in audition. Furthermore, we uncover context variability effects, revealing a linear pattern for the repulsive perceptual effect and a quadratic pattern for the attractive decisional effect. These findings support the presence of adaptive sensory mechanisms underlying the repulsive effects, while higher-level mechanisms appear to govern the attractive decisional effect. The study provides valuable insights into the interplay of attractive and repulsive serial effects in auditory perception and contributes to our understanding of the underlying mechanisms.  Ufer, C., & Blank, H., (2024) Opposing serial effects of stimulus and choice in speech perception scale with context variability. iScience.

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Expectations can be induced by cues that indicate the probability of following sensory events. The information provided by cues may differ and hence lead to different levels of uncertainty about which event will follow. In this experiment, we employed pupillometry to investigate whether the pupil dilation response to visual cues varies depending on the level of cue-associated uncertainty about a following auditory outcome.

Also, we tested whether the pupil dilation response reflects the amount of surprise about the subsequently presented auditory stimulus. In each trial, participants were presented with a visual cue (face image) which was followed by an auditory outcome (spoken vowel). After the face cue, participants had to indicate by keypress which of three auditory vowels they expected to hear next. We manipulated the cue-associated uncertainty by varying the probabilistic cue-outcome contingencies: One face was most likely followed by one specific vowel (low cue uncertainty), another face was equally likely followed by either of two vowels (intermediate cue uncertainty) and the third face was followed by all three vowels (high cue uncertainty). Our results suggest that pupil dilation in response to task-relevant cues depends on the associated uncertainty, but only for large differences in the cue-associated uncertainty. Additionally, in response to the auditory outcomes, the pupil dilation scaled negatively with the cue-dependent probabilities, likely signalling the amount of surprise.  Becker, J., Viertler, M., Korn, C., & Blank, H., (2024) The pupil dilation response as an indicator of visual cue uncertainty and auditory outcome surprise. European Journal of Neuroscience, 1-16.

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Inspired by recent findings in the visual domain, we investigated whether the stimulus-evoked pupil dilation reflects temporal statistical regularities in sequences of auditory stimuli. Our findings suggest that pupil diameter may serve as an indicator of sound pair familiarity but does not invariably respond to task-irrelevant transition probabilities of auditory sequences.

We conducted two preregistered pupillometry experiments (experiment 1, n = 30, 21 females; experiment 2, n = 31, 22 females). In both experiments, human participants listened to sequences of spoken vowels in two conditions. In the first condition, the stimuli were presented in a random order and, in the second condition, the same stimuli were presented in a sequence structured in pairs. The second experiment replicated the first experiment with a modified timing and number of stimuli presented and without participants being informed about any sequence structure. The sound-evoked pupil dilation during a subsequent familiarity task indicated that participants learned the auditory vowel pairs of the structured condition. However, pupil diameter during the structured sequence did not differ according to the statistical regularity of the pair structure. This contrasts with similar visual studies, emphasizing the susceptibility of pupil effects during statistically structured sequences to experimental design settings in the auditory domain.  Becker, J., Korn, C.W. & Blank, H. (2024) Pupil diameter as an indicator of sound pair familiarity after statistically structured auditory sequence. Scientific Reports, 14, 8739.

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Perception inevitably depends on combining sensory input with prior expectations, particularly for identification of degraded input. However, the underlying neural mechanism by which expectations influence sensory processing is unclear. Predictive Coding suggest that the brain passes forward the unexpected part of the sensory input while expected properties are suppressed (Prediction Error). However, evidence to rule out the opposite and perhaps more intuitive mechanism, in which the expected part of the sensory input is enhanced (Sharpening), has been lacking.
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We investigated the neural mechanisms by which sensory clarity and prior knowledge influence the perception of degraded speech. A univariate measure of brain activity obtained from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was in line with both neural mechanisms (Prediction Error and Sharpening). However, combining multivariate fMRI measures with computational simulations allowed us to determine the underlying mechanism. Our key finding was an interaction between sensory input and prior expectations: For unexpected speech, increasing speech clarity increased the amount of information represented in sensory brain areas. In contrast, for speech that matched prior expectations, increasing speech clarity reduced the amount of this information. Our observations were uniquely simulated by a model of speech perception that included Prediction Errors.

Blank, H. & Davis, M. (2016). Prediction errors but not sharpened signals simulate multivoxel fMRI patterns during speech perception, PLOSBiology, 14(11) 

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Predictions in face perception

By combining fMRI with diffusion-weighted imaging we could show that the brain is equipped with direct structural connections between face- and voice-recognition areas to activate learned associations of faces and voices even in unimodal conditions to improve person-identity recognition.

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According to hierarchical processing models of person-identity recognition, information from faces and voices is only integrated at later stages after person-identity has been achieved. However, functional neuroimaging studies showed that the fusiform face area was activated by familiar voices during auditory-only speaker recognition. To test for direct structural connections between face- and voice-recognition areas, we localized voice-sensitive areas in anterior, middle, and posterior STS and face-sensitive areas in the fusiform gyrus. Probabilistic tractography revealed evidence for direct structural connections between these regions. These connections seemed to be functionally relevant because they were particularly strong between those areas that were engaged during processing of voice identity in anterior/middle STS in contrast to areas that process less identity-specific, acoustic features in posterior STS.


What kind of information is exchanged between these specialized areas during cross‐modal recognition of other individuals? To address this question, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging and a voice‐face priming design. In this design, familiar voices were followed by morphed faces that matched or mismatched with respect to identity or physical properties. The results showed that responses in face‐sensitive regions were modulated when face identity or physical properties did not match to the preceding voice. The strength of this mismatch signal depended on the level of certainty the participant had about the voice identity. This suggests that both identity and physical property information was provided by the voice to face areas.

Blank, H., Anwander, A., & von Kriegstein, K. (2011). Direct structural connections between voice- and face-recognition areas. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(36), 12906-12915

Blank, H., Kiebel, S. J. & von Kriegstein, K. (2015). How the human brain exchanges information across sensory modalities to recognize other people. Human Brain Mapping, 36(1), 324-39

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